Bleach soaking method
Bleach has oxidation impregnation, which can oxidize paint pigments and remove paint spots.
We’re going to explore what causes paint spots.
In our general life, clothes stained with paint is a very annoying job. Operation of the bleach preparation is as follows: Soak the clothes in water, insert appropriate bleach, soak for a period of time and wash normally. Face: Bleach is corrosive to clothing and should not be used for valuable clothing.
Gasoline wiping
Gasoline has the characteristic of melting paint and is used to remove paint spots. I hope these tips can bring convenience to your life and make your clothes shine again!
Here are a few tips to remove paint from clothing:
White vinegar wiping method
White vinegar has a strong ability to dissolve paint spots. Therefore, to break the paint spots, these pigment particles need to dissolve and leave the fabric fibers. Paint spots are hard to shake, traditional clean knitting often ends badly, and making clothes look new can seem like a daunting task. The specific preparation is: first soak the clothes in water for a while, and then dip a clean cloth into the appropriate white vinegar, gently wipe the paint spots, and then wash normally after the spots fade. The friction of the eraser can smooth the paint away from the fabric, so as to remove paint spots. Paint spots are caused by pigment particles in paint sticking to fabric fibers. The following: Soak the clothes in water, hand in appropriate detergent, gently rub the paint spots with your hands, soak for a period of time after normal washing.
Dishwashing liquid soaking method
The presence of emulsification and immersion of detergent can make paint pigment particles separately in water, so as to achieve the policy of removing paint spots. However, today I am going to reveal some tips to the master to easily remove paint from clothes and make clothes glow from the beginning.
Use the eraser wisely
For small area, not easy to handle paint spots, you can test with an eraser gently wipe.
Master some small tricks to remove the paint of clothing, you can make the image of clothing new, no longer a dream. However, when dealing with paint spots, it is also necessary to choose the appropriate preparation according to the material and paint type of clothing to prevent damage to clothing. When operating gasoline, we should face it: first put the clothes in a ventilated place, dip a clean cloth in appropriate gasoline, gently wipe the paint spots, rinse with clean water after the spots fade, and finally dry