Vinegar soaked garlic, a super health secret in simple ingredients

Cold dish: Cut garlic into minced garlic and add to the cold dish to increase flavor.

Appropriate consumption: Although vinegar soaked garlic is good, it should not be consumed in excess to prevent irritation.

Vinegar soaking garlic is the best way to nourish

Progressive immunity: Garlic is rich in allicin, a powerful antibacterial ingredient that can help with progressive immunity and prevent colds and other diseases.

Edible preparation of vinegar soaked garlic

As a condiment: vinegar soaked garlic can be used as a condiment to match meat, fish and other ingredients to increase the taste and nutritional value of dishes.

Place the garlic heads in a clean mason jar.

After soaking, remove the garlic head, rinse with clean water, and then eat.

Vinegar soaking garlic this simple and strong health secrets, not only can advance immunity, but also can drop blood fat, antioxidant, digestion, delay decay and other effects, is a general life is not or lack of health ingredients.

Seal the mouth of the bottle and place in a cool and ventilated place. The soaking time is 7 days.

Anti-aging: The antioxidant compounds in garlic can delay cell decay and keep the skin looking young.

Drop blood lipids: vinegar soaking garlic can be useful to drop blood lipids and prevent the production of sweatpipe diseases.

Preservation: The vinegar soaked garlic should be eaten as soon as possible to prevent deterioration.

Eat directly: You can swallow all the vinegar soaked garlic, or take a bite and then drink a mouthful of vinegar.

In our general life, there are many neglected health ingredients, today to introduce the master is vinegar garlic, this kind of simple and strong health secrets, trust will bring you unexpected health benefits.

Antioxidants: Garlic also contains antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium, which can cut free radicals in the root body and reduce the risk of cancer.

Subject matter

Use with caution: Some people may be allergic to garlic, if you have a history of allergy, please exercise caution.

Aid digestion: The acetic acid in vinegar soaked garlic can enhance the activity of digestive enzymes and assist the digestion of food.

Pour in the appropriate white vinegar to ensure that the garlic is fully soaked. Hurry up and let’s enjoy this proud nature feed along the way!

Preparation of vinegar soaked garlic

Prepare fancy garlic by washing and peeling it